After we eat dinner we go upstairs and my grandpa has the floor. You would think that our attention spans would be a lot longer as we are all older and could really sit a lot longer than when we were younger. Nope, I remember when I was younger he would talk for thirty, forty, fifty minutes maybe even an hour (maybe is felt like that long) and we would listen to him speak about Christmas and help us really get into the spirit of it all. Now he is lucky if we last fifteen minutes! Getting older hasn't made us more patient.
Married over 50 years!
George and Diane
Married over 50 years!
George and Diane
BEST PART ABOUT PRESENTS IS.... the cousin gift. We each get a cousin and we buy a present for them. We usually have to draw who we have on Thanksgiving, but a lot of us weren't together for Thanksgiving so some were just given names. I didn't know who had me and I was very curious because it isn't hard to guess who has you because they usually end up asking you what you want (lame I know). No one asked me, so I didn't have a clue who had my name. I guess Brittnee requested me because she had already bought my present! Right when I looked in the bag and saw the shape I knew what it was. I was a little excited not going to lie. I totally wasn't expecting it.
Why is this the best gift ever... I will show you.
Meet August.... (Matt Bomer you have some competition) who wouldn't want to look at this beautiful man for a month ( I might keep him up year round). The money from calendars goes to charity what more could you ask for! I got a present that gives to charity and I get some eye candy to look at year round.
A lot of presents had a theme the University of Utah. A lot of us are U fans!
Titan is the only baby in the family even though he would disagree that he is a baby. He is the cutest person to watch. I think he was more excited to see what everyone else got then what he got himself.
My mommy got a cute colorful watch from Kenz and I got one as well, but mine was more subtle and boring it was black. A staple in my wardrobe.
Look at the picture behind my mother. That is the last cousin pic we had done. Wow it is dreadful and needs to be taken down with something more updated!
This cute couple have been married for over a year. I had to take a picture to show the difference in wrapping techniques. Brookie bless her heart wrapped Sean's gift with baby wrapping paper and it was a little rough around the edges. Sean wrapped hers in beautiful paper that looked like perfection. So funny and such a cute couple!
I had to wrap 12 presents and it about killed me because I don't have the patience for it, but I did better than this barely! Love ya Brookie!
Some gifts that were given. My sister got some cute jewelry, Kurt whose birthday is on Christmas Eve got a thing for his car, my mommy got some pajamas and she would totally rock them. It was a gag, but I am sure they are warm and her and Kenz would have worn them! Brookie's hubby gave her footsy pajama's and she looks like WHO!!!

All my grandpa asked for Christmas was a belt. Well, he got a belt and a trip to Scotland to go golfing with my Uncle Brad!!! I was a little confused to be honest golf & Scotland don't really go together for me, but I guess it is the birthplace of golf WHO KNEW! I guess you learn something new everyday. He totally deserves it love ya grandpa!
I am kind of jealous of him because I love castles and some of the oldest castles are in Scotland, so I wish I could tag along! They can play boring golf and I could go castle browsing.... One day it will happen...
Everyone is together! Doesn't happen very often now that we are all getting older, but I enjoyed Christmas and I hopefully will see them all before next Christmas!